Friday 17 June 2011

Harry Potter Mania

Ok guys so this one is a bit of a break from the acting thing. Well not really...I'll discuss the media stuff but I want to relate it all to one of my favorite series....Harry Potter!


Yes. So? I met my husband through Harry Potter and many of my closest friends and the other close friends all pretty much loved it anyway (and I knew them beforehand) so its not that bad! (But it is that good...) Tickets for the last film went on sale today and I snagged a bunch. I bought about 8 and though my friends are paying me back for their shares, it was a substantial chuck of change. This is not good. I have no job and no interviews and we have to move and canceled trips etc. But we will see Harry Potter. I have my priorities straight!

This is the media. Massive waves of fans spending all the money they have on a work of fiction. If I ever become successful in the media industry (as an actress or perhaps a writer) I would hope to only have a fraction of the success of Harry Potter. I would hope to change the world only slightly as much as that series did. It might not be what some consider "fine art". It might be a blockbuster film series based on an even better story from children's literature which by many standards is not really all that great in terms of writing, but what its done speaks volumes about how amazing it is. It inspired people to create music, art, stories, all published on fan sites or produced in underground music movements. It encouraged an entire generation to read. It changed the lives of many, like me, who met the people they love the most through events brought about by the series.

I have been freaking out all day because I have these midnight release tickets. Its silly. I'm an adult now. I'm not a student and I'm not a kid at home with my parents. But I still get this excited about this particular final installment in one of the best-loved series of all time. (Getting ahead of myself? Maybe but I don't think so.) But the media success of this story inspires me to change the world. In any way I can. I know it sounds stupid like the whole "Miss America" answer system ....what do you want? "World Peace!" But really what I mean by the inspiration to change the world is that having seen this series be so successful and make such a difference, I know one person can start that. I know I want to start that sort of thing. And so I will.

Harry Potter mania--inspiring tale or ridiculous over-hyped media franchise? I know what I think.

What do you?

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